Have you felt "amañado" somewhere? Do you know an "intense"? Discover some typical Colombian words that you will surely hear when you visit Colombia.
Although Spanish is shared by several countries, each region has its own linguistic peculiarities and the country of beauty is no exception. Here they exist colombian words that only acquire meaning within our culture and that only we can easily understand.
What is Guayabo?
Guayabo: It is the perfect word to describe that discomfort after a good party that makes more than one say “I will never drink again.” Guava brings together all the symptoms that are suffered after having taken some good shoots. But it also represents a feeling of sadness or nostalgia for some situation. “This guava tree I have is hitting me hard”
What is Rumbear or Farrear?
Rumbear: It refers to going to a party, more specifically, going out dancing with a large or small group of friends. This is one of the most used Colombian words, especially on weekends. In other regions of Colombia, synonyms such as “parranda”, “foforro” or “farra” are used. “Get ready because this Friday we are going to farrear!”
Let's talk about objects and foods
Onces: It is a short snack taken between lunch and dinner or, in some places, between breakfast and lunch. The onces are part of the Colombian slang to refer to a social occasion, becoming an essential part of the daily life of Colombians. “Do you want to go for some onces in the afternoon?”.
Pintadito: It is the traditional drink of the Colombian coffee province, where a splash of milk is added to filtered coffee. It is also called Cortadito and, depending on the area, it can be lighter or stronger. “Are you craving a pintadito?”
Cachucha: This word that Colombians say refers to a light cap used mainly as protection against the sun or as an accessory in clothing. In Colombia it is common to see people wearing caps outdoors, playing sports or hiking. In addition, it is a quite popular accessory in the country. “I love your cachucha”
Typical Colombian adjectives
Bacano (a): When something is tremendous or very good. It can also refer to a very kind, good and well-liked person. Usually, your friends or family are cool. “What a bacano landscape”, “What a bacana rumba!”, “He's a bacano guy”.
Colombian Actions that cannot be missed
Dar cantaleta: A self-respecting Colombian has ever “dar cantaleta” This refers to when someone scolds or repeats the same topic or issue many times and it ends up being annoying for the other person. “How lazy that song is”.
To make a vaca: It consists of collecting money for a specific purpose. Colombians love to do it to buy food, drinks or for a trip. Most of the time, these meetings end in rumba and dancing until dawn. “Let's make a vaca for some beers”.
Tragarse: Colombians, in addition to falling in love with someone, they feel traga. The traga is that person who makes another sigh with love. “I feel very tragado of my girlfriend”.
Ponerse las pilas: This Colombian saying is used to indicate the fact of doing something. It means getting organized, starting some activity and looking for a way to achieve the stated purposes. It is also a phrase used to motivate and challenge. “I see him very asleep, póngase las pilas” Finally, the typical Colombian expressions They are more than just terms, they are unique words and languages that bring together the very essence of our country. Each phrase tells stories and generates an identity. And you, which ones did you already know?